Strategic Plan


The development process includes policy making, plans, plans and projects, and planning,
Is a dynamic and permanent process whose promotion depends on achieving theoretical foundations and
Strategic policies on the one hand and determining the strengths and weaknesses of the study results and findings,
Design, engineering and executive achievements by others, but realization of this requirement
Providing the necessary backgrounds, including accurate measurement of the processes and processes involved
By collecting data and information related to the territory in question, formulating and measuring the indicators
, Monitoring and Evaluation of All Measures, from the Early Stages of Study, Design, Decision Making,
Policymaking and overall participatory planning to track implementation and even after
Is execution.

vision :
 We intend to train the first line health professionals in the field of dentistry and special forces.
Providing community health by training highly qualified academic and professional skills and
Dentistry and Excellence in Talent, in Fifteen Valid Dentistry Knowledge
Let's be Iran.
Prophecy :
 Faculty of Dentistry, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Desirable for teaching knowledge, skills and professional values ​​in the field of dentistry and
Oral health. We will try to increase, by empowering our people
Motivation for instructors and learners, optimization of resources and equipment, and changes in programs
Educational To achieve the above mission.
Values ​​:
The sovereignty of monotheistic vision over all areas of knowledge and research
Establishing a model of a developed Islamic school
3. Educating religious scholars, scholars, and professors who serve community realization
Virtue-oriented, justice-oriented, hopeful of the future, socially disciplined, struggling, healthy and secure
Strengthening spiritual values ​​and ethical virtues in science and technology institutions
Providing the basis for maximizing individual and social health and public welfare.
Respect for the elite and the dignity of the professors as faculty assets
Expanding the culture of self-belief, evolutionary thought, creativity and innovation

• Knowledge localization coupled with intelligent interaction with global knowledge and avoiding mere imitation of
Non-spontaneous cultures
Preference for collective action over individual efforts to develop knowledge boundaries
2. Publishing knowledge and paying zakat of science along with maintaining intellectual property

Dental School Strategic Problems:

P: Lack of organizational chart of the Faculty of Dentistry
2. Attempting to receive the organizational structure of the college by the end of the year
2- Estimation of the workload and proportional distribution of human resources in the faculty

P: Weaknesses in the information system for basic science students due to being separated from the Department of Education
2. Attempting to communicate more through the SMS system between students and faculty of science and administration
College Education
4. Existence of a liaison education expert in the field of basic science education classes

P: Lack of faculty, especially in the pathology, surgery, prosthesis, radiology departments
4- Consultation with ministry officials before dividing and declaring commitments by K factor forces.
1- Requirements for graduates of specialty degree prior to division

P: Lack of equipment and equipment needed to operate the clinical departments of the faculty
Collecting financial information from Home Office officials
Collecting financial information from university officials

Improving the process of procurement of materials and equipment and reducing the administrative bureaucracy
Manage and plan the provision of optimal training with minimum materials and equipment

P: Lack of CSR in the dental clinic
3. Review and collect information on the existence and numbers of the device at your health care center and, if applicable,
Lack of coordination to transfer it to the dental clinic

Funding to purchase the device
Using public and charitable donations to purchase the device

P: Lack of adequate educational and administrative space and lack of space for setting up self-service, library and
The chapel is due to an increase in students entering basic science
Coordinate with the dean of the university and the municipality to obtain a license
Using public and charitable donations to create the space needed
Use pre-made temporary containers
P: Restrictions on Offering Welfare Facilities to Academic Staff
4- Consultation with the Ministry and the Ministry of Finance regarding the financing
Communicating with other university officials

tags: Strategic Plan