
The first subspecialty center for infertility treatment at Arak University of Medical Sciences Gallery

Arak University of Medical Sciences chancellor said that in line with the general policies of population growth, communication by the Supreme Leader and emphasis of the Minister of Health and strict implementation of these policies and increasing population rate in Markazi province, the first subspecialty center for public infertility treatment at Arak University of Medical Sciences will start operating with government tariffs in the province.

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Adherence to lifestyle changes after coronary artery bypass graft:Outcome of preoperative peer education

bstract Objective: This study was done to investigate the effect of preoperative peer education on patients' adherence to medication and lifestyle changes after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG). Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, the peers of CABG patients conducted preoperative educational sessions at the ward in groups of 4-5 (n = 36) while the control group (n = 34) received routine education by a nurse. Adherence of both groups to medication and recommendations for lifestyle modification including physical activity, smoking, and diet was measured one and two months after discharge. Results: A multivariate analysis of co-variance showed the significant effect of peer education on adherence (F = 32.586, p < 0.001; eta(2) = 0.671). Univariate ANCOVA revealed a significant difference in adherence to diet between the two groups (F = 62.316, p = 0 0.0001; eta(2) = 0.482). Based on the repeated measures ANOVA, peer education significantly improved the CABG patients' adherence to diet (F = 55.373, p = 0.0001) and their total adherence (F = 9.911, p = 0.002) compared to the control group. Conclusion: Preoperative peer education had a significant effect on improving CABG patients' adherence to lifestyle changes after hospital discharge. Practice implication: Peer education can be used as an effective method to improve the CABG patients' adherence to lifestyle changes. (c) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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